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As long as they did not eat any of the bait, just wash their hands with soap and water. If they may have eaten some of the bait, please call us during business hours at 1-800-351-1476, or outside of business hours call the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center at 1-866-514-9168.
If they only chewed on it and all or most of the bait is still there, and it is FirstStrike®, FastDraw® (these are blue-colored baits), Resolv® or Revolver® (these are green-colored baits), your pet will be okay. These baits are anticoagulants and a small amount will not cause any symptoms. If larger amounts are ingested, please call us during business hours at 1-800-351-1476, the Rocky Mountain Poison and Drug Center at 1-866-514-9168, or your veterinarian. Vitamin K1 is the antidote and can be administered and/or prescribed by your veterinarian.
Please see our Product Pages to confirm the identity of the bait.
See the Liphatech Veterinarian’s Guide for more information on the treatment of accidental ingestion of anticoagulant baits.
Liphatech, Inc. is a worldwide inventor, manufacturer and marketer of rodent control products as well as the U.S. marketing and sales arm of DeSangosse, Agen, France for slug and snail control products.
Liphatech, Inc. originated from the Lipha Pharmaceutical Company with beginnings in France during 1946. As a pharmaceutical company, Lipha conducted substantial research into anticoagulants for the treatment of heart patients. These same anticoagulants went on to become the primary building blocks of many rodenticides; early research resulted in the invention and patenting of chlorophacinone in the 1960s. It was first introduced to the U.S. as Rozol®, a multiple-feed anticoagulant rodenticide. In the early '70s bromadiolone was developed in the same fashion. During this time, Liphatech purchased the Chempar Corp., of New York, which had previously been the U.S. distributor for Rozol. Chlorophacinone was first registered in Canada in 1973, and a number of products are registered for the control of rodent species in Canada, including commensal rats and mice, voles, pocket gophers, and ground squirrels. In particular, a pelleted weather-resistant formulation under the brand name Ground Force™ was registered in 1988. Liphatech’s continuing emphasis on research and development resulted in the discovery of difethialone during the mid-1980s, with PMRA registration as an active ingredient in 2000.
In late 1999, Liphatech became the U.S. representative for Aegis® bait stations, responsible for the production and sales and marketing in the Americas. As the bait station business grew, in late 2002, Liphatech purchased the Aegis bait station business for all of the Americas. Our production, sales and marketing operations are based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In late 2002, Liphatech, Inc. became a subsidiary of DeSangosse, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of bio-control, plant nutrition and slug and snail control products, (i.e. Metarex® and Ironmax Pro) with its world headquarters located in Agen, France. Liphatech first registered FirstStrike®, a difethialone-based no-wax soft bait in 2010, launched FastDraw® Soft Bait in 2012, and followed with bromadialone-based Resolv® and Revolver® Soft Baits in 2014, providing Canadian Pest Management Professionals and agriculture producers the most advanced formulations to combat mouse and rat populations. Also in 2014, a chlorophacinone-treated wheat formulation was introduced in Canada under the brand name Rozol RTU for the control of ground squirrels and pocket gophers for farmers and range management professionals.
The end result is we can make your people better at what they do, thus reducing complaints, callbacks and unsatisfied customers. We are able to achieve this because:
- Our focus on rodent control translates into producing effective products.
- We concentrate our efforts in rodent control markets, allowing us to provide a higher level of service to your company.
- Our sales representatives have substantial backgrounds in pest control, they are able to tackle problem inspections, conduct technician training and answer questions on how to best control rodents.
Our representatives have substantial backgrounds in rodent control, and they know what your people require. Additionally, our keen understanding of the art and science of rodent control means our representatives can conduct training that supports superior control practices. Every year our sales force holds training sessions and label stewardship meetings for technicians, sales people, certified applicators, PCAs and PMPs all over the nation. Contact your Structural Pest Control, Animal Health, or Ag/Field & Orchard District Sales Manager for more information.
Research means we have a clear understanding of the behavior and feeding preferences of different species of rodents. This information is reflected in bait formulations tailored to different rodent species and application conditions. Our sales representatives are available to train people in how to best use our rodent control products within an integrated pest management (IPM) framework and best practices. This research is our investment in the future of the pest control industry. And it means that when the next advancement in rodent control products is announced, it will probably come from Liphatech. We are the original inventors and patent holders of these anticoagulant chemistries: chlorophacinone, bromadiolone and difethialone.
Rodents cause three primary problems. They spread diseases, damage buildings, equipment and wiring, and they eat or contaminate crops, feed or food. It is probably easiest to see evidence of building damage, but disease and contamination have the greatest economic impact. Signs to look for include rodent burrows in and around your buildings, holes in ceilings and walls, shredded paper and insulation, droppings and runways or paths along the side of the building.
Take a census right after dark. This is the time when rats are most active. Find a spot in which to sit quietly and count the number of rats you spot during a specific period of time (30 to 60 minutes is sufficient). This will give you an idea of the infestation level you have. After you have begun or modified your rat control program, take another census a month later at the same time of day, and for the same length of time to estimate the program's effectiveness. You should continue to conduct censuses periodically, to track the effectiveness of your program.
You can access help on different types of rodent control programs by contacting our representatives through our website. They will advise you on methods for reducing your rodent population and decreasing the risk their presence creates.
Contact the Liphatech customer service line at 888-331-7900, fill out our Contact Us form, or contact your Structural Pest Control, Animal Health, or Ag/Field & Orchard District Sales Manager. You can then set up an on-site inspection and obtain a recommended program that fits your situation.
Liphatech’s rodenticides incorporate these different types of active ingredients: a first-generation anticoagulant rodenticide (chlorophacinone), or a second-generation anticoagulant rodenticide (bromadiolone, difethialone). Rodent species and individual rodents vary in their susceptibility to each formulation and active ingredient.
Antibiotics interact with anticoagulants and can significantly increase the risk of bleeding.
Products from poultry or livestock that have eaten a rodenticide cannot be used for human consumption.
For assistance in assessing your situation or information regarding treatment for exposure to Liphatech products, call us during business hours at 1-800-351-1476.
The following steps will reduce the risk of exposure for non-target animals:
- Store the products in a location out of reach of non-target animals.
- Apply bait in locations out of reach of non-target animals or in tamper-resistant bait stations.
- Safe baiting practices include using quality bait stations like the Aegis®-RP, Aegis®-RP Anchor, Aegis® Rat, and Aegis® Mouse bait stations. The entire Aegis line can secure both soft bait and blocks away from moisture and non-target species.
- Dispose of the container in accordance with provincial requirements. For information on disposal of unused, unwanted product, contact us or the provincial regulatory agency.
There are a number of components to making a rodent control program work. Ask questions: 'What services are being offered to make sure a rodent control program will work in my facility?' Many companies can sell you cheap rodenticides, but do not offer complete rodent control training like Liphatech. What active ingredients are in their bait? What mode of action do their rodenticides have? Do they continually innovate and conduct laboratory and field research in order to deliver high quality products? Do they collaborate with technicians, certified crop advisors, and government agencies to introduce label amendments covering new crop use patterns?
Bait placement strategy is important because rodents will travel along established paths between their nests and their food/water supply. They won't go out of their way unless forced to do so. Thus, you have to place control devices, such as bait stations, with rodenticide where rodents will eat it, not where it is convenient for you. An excellent rodenticide, improperly placed, will not be as effective as carefully placed bait.
Is the product a second-generation or first-generation product? What is its mode of action (anticoagulant, calcium disruptor, nervous system disruptor)? What type of formulation works best for your situation: soft bait, mini blocks, pellet place packs, treated grain or bulk pellets?
Many rodenticides show good efficacy under laboratory conditions, but in the real world the bait must compete with other food resources. It is important to choose a rodenticide that will be consumed even when other options are available. Liphatech rodenticides are formulated with palatable bait matrices.
First-generation anticoagulants may require more feedings in order for the rodent to ingest enough active ingredient for a lethal dose. Second-generation products can deliver a lethal dose in a single feeding. First-generation anticoagulants include the active ingredient chlorophacinone (Ground Force™, Rozol RTU®) and are the only products registered for use outside of 15 metres from buildings. Second-generation anticoagulants include the active ingredients bromadiolone (Resolv®, Revolver®, BootHill®and Maki®) or difethialone (FirstStrike®, FastDraw®, BlueMax™, Generation® and Hombre®).
Liphatech is a leader in the manufacture and marketing of the newest rodenticide formulation, soft bait. It is the most significant improvement in rodent control technology in several decades and is the future of rodenticides. Soft baits offered by Liphatech include: FirstStrike® and FastDraw®, with difethialone; and Resolv® and Revolver®, with bromadiolone. These wax-free rodenticides can be used anywhere mini block rodenticides are used and won’t melt.
In Canada, ground squirrels are commonly but incorrectly referred to as “gophers”, and pocket gophers are commonly but incorrectly referred to as “moles”. The rodent pest species can be identified by observing its behavior and the burrow system characteristics, including soil mounding near burrow entrances. Ground squirrels hibernate; moles and pocket gophers do not. Ground squirrels are frequently active above ground during the day (March to August) and stand on their hind legs; pocket gophers and moles are more elusive and are rarely active above ground during the day. Moles are typically found in residential landscapes and turf; they are rarely found in agricultural settings.
Ground squirrel burrow entrances are always open and typically range from 2 to 4 inches (5 to 10 cm) in diameter. Pocket gopher mounds are crescent or horseshoe-shaped, with the entrance hole off to one side of the mound, and it is usually plugged. Mole mounds are more circular or volcano-shaped than pocket gopher mounds. Mole mounds also have a plug in the middle. Mole trails are typically concaved with their burrow systems raising a ridge in the soil to mark their path (like veins on your hand) since moles commonly feed just below the turf surface. Ground squirrel and pocket gopher tunnels are much deeper and are not visible between burrow mounds/openings. Download "Mole vs Gopher" PDF.
For ground squirrels: Yes. Rozol RTU can be applied above ground in Tier 1 (Tamper-resistant) bait stations. If it is not in bait stations, it must be applied via hand spot applications by placing 7 to 14g (0.25 to 0.5 ounces) directly into the burrows to reduce hazards to children and non-target animals. It cannot be broadcast or scattered above ground.
For pocket gophers: No. Rozol RTU is labeled for below-ground applications only directly into the burrow. Approved application methods are: via spoon, rod/probe, or tractor-driven mechanical burrow builder application equipment. It cannot be broadcast or scattered above ground.
Effective ground squirrel control requires on-going monitoring and effort. Ground squirrels breed and disperse quickly and can reinvade from neighboring property. Most failures occur because an uninterrupted supply of bait has not been maintained for at least three weeks or until all signs of feeding have stopped. Bait placed in-burrow is typically consumed within 4-10 days, and there is competition among ground squirrels for the bait, so retreatment needs to be done consistently. Bait stations need to be monitored at least weekly and refilled promptly. The number of bait stations needed depends on the ground squirrel population density, so it is possible that more bait stations may be needed to provide adequate control. Because male squirrels emerge from hibernation first, often by early March, bait stations should be placed and filled before then to reduce the male squirrel population before the females emerge and the spring breeding cycle begins. If baiting is started too late (e.g. not until late April-June), the young squirrels have already been born, increasing the population.
Please contact us or your Liphatech District Sales Manager to request a “Rozol RTU Bait Station Tip Sheet”. This tool can help you to best utilize PVC pipe to minimize scrap/ waste, as well as help you to calculate Rozol RTU bait needs based on different quantities of stations used.